MMC Blog

Blogging Basics

Blogging Basics

Creating a great blog post shouldn’t be a difficult or time-consuming task. Instead it should be an opportunity for you to share some information about a topic with which you are already familiar with a larger audience. When you find yourself answering the same question for different clients repeatedly then perhaps it would be great to document that answer in a blog!

Follow this basic formula to create “bone structure” for your posts and then drape them with creative style, solid information and compelling resources.

1. Start with bullet points
Use bullets to get your ideas in an outline form. Often great blog posts start with ideas like 10 tips or 5 reasons, etc. so your outline may serve as a framework for copy-writing or it may be the outcome of your efforts.

2. Craft a great headline
Include an active verb and try to squeeze some of your key topic words in as well.
The search engines love the headlines and a strong headline will not only attract Google, but will also compel your visitors and regular readers to read on.

3. Start with a compelling lead
Once your readers move past the headline, a compelling lead is necessary to keep them reading.
Establish what the post will cover, an outline of sorts, but also tease an offer or lesson that can be gained by reading the entire post.

4. Fill in the detail
Flesh out your bullet points and/or sub-heads to really bring the point home. Keep yourself on track (rambling is way too easy to do, especially if you feel passionately about something) and keep your readers in mind.

5. Insert sub-headlines
Sub-heads help create a scan-able page and make it easier for people to read on a computer screen and to digest the information. Once you have a draft, go back and introduce subheads to bring the reader along with you.

6. Double-check your headline
Now that the post is complete, make sure your headline still reflects what your post is about and gets a reader’s attention. Can you refine it to be even stronger and more effective?

7. Edit, proof, correct, polish, and revise
Errors in grammar can kill a blogger’s credibility and traffic. Take time to make sure you’re putting out your best work. Once you’re satisfied, find an image to accompany the post.

8. Remember that the best blogs are timely.
If you have a great idea to share, don’t delay. The best blogs are timely in their origination and delivery. A great idea this week may be stale next week. That’s why blogs are intentionally brief, to make it easy for you to get the idea out and published. Ideally blog posts should be at least 150 words long and, typically, no longer than 500 words (500+ word “blogs” are really articles and we can use these elsewhere) so, this entire exercise could be completed in an extended lunch hour.

Read more great tips for bloggers:

This post is courtesy of MMC Account Manager Jennifer Kardian

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