MMC Blog

Capitalizing on Current (Eclipse) Events

In April 2024, millions of people around the world were treated to a full solar eclipse. While portions of North America have been in the path of totality for two eclipses in the last seven years, it’s actually unusual to be near the path of totality. Total solar eclipses happen once every 18 months, but usually are only visible at the extreme poles or in the middle of the ocean.

In 2017, a portion of Georgia was fortunate to be in the path of totality – and as luck would have it, a relative lives in the northern portion that experienced the full blackout, so we had only a short trip to see it. But in 2024, eclipse mania swept the United States with greater intensity than has happened in recent memory. Maybe it’s because a larger percentage were in the direct path or maybe it’s because American businesses have become more adept at aligning their marketing message and brand with current events.

Industries Catered to Their Audience

  • Hotels, and other rental properties were booked more than a year in advance in many cases. This is a classic case of supply and demand. Renters within 50 miles of the path knew people would want convenient locations to travel from to see the spectacle.
  • Products with any tie to sun, moon or eclipse were seen in store displays throughout the country. Many locations included special promotions, like “Buy Sun Chips and Get Moon Pies Free!” Other companies created timely specials. For instance, Krispy Kreme’s eclipse donuts were hot sellers.
  • Everyday services caught people’s eyes with eclipse themes. Google used their banner to showcase a timelapse of the eclipse. Social media posts referenced the infrequent occurrence of the eclipse in contrast to the always available service provided for a company. Social media was a fun, easy way to draw attention to a product or service and customers that may not have been near totality still felt a part of the event.

These same techniques can be used with other current events, allowing your company to be relevant and timely. Is there a big game coming up in your area? Talk about scoring big with your services. Does your company provide services in a niche industry? For example, if you provide regular security maintenance on servers, you can tie in with a highly notable security breach. Or if your company has a seasonal offering, you can plan ahead and take a picture in the snow and talk about dreaming of summer days while promoting pool care.

But whatever you do, have fun and engage your team and customers.

This blog is courtesy of MMC Account Manager Melissa Holder

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