MMC Blog

A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming an Adobe Spark Expert

Technology is frustrating. It can be daunting to create “aesthetically pleasing” digital content, and some might even try to convince themselves doing so is overrated. If you’re one of those people, I have some bad news for you: it’s not. At the rate that online marketing is growing, graphic design skills are probably more underrated than anything. Social media presence is essential to ensure your business’ success. But just having “presence” won’t cut it – you need it to at least look like you know what you’re doing.

That’s where our friend Adobe Spark comes in handy – a new Adobe design software. It’s an integrated suite of media creation applications for both mobile and web that was launched in 2016. It was built with the graphic design rookie in mind; a layout so simple just about anyone can figure it out. The software simplifies the creation of digital graphics as much as possible, and will allow you to format your content for every social media platform imaginable. Master these key features and you’ll be a Spark master in no time.

Download our Beginner’s Guide to Becoming an Adobe Spark Expert.

This post courtesy of MMC Summer 2019 Intern Bianca Price.


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