MMC Blog

What’s on the Horizon for SEO?

An inherent quality of the Internet is that it is always changing. I spend a good 25% of my day, every day, reading and researching, trying to stay abreast of what’s coming next and whether or not it is important for our Clients.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is always at the top of the list and big changes are coming.

Voice Search

Voice search is gaining enormous importance. We don’t know how many people search with voice, but search engines have been optimizing for voice search results for some time now.

You should think about your website’s meta description (which should be around 135 to 160 characters) as being meant to be read out loud.

Google’s Gary Illyes recently Tweeted, “DYK if you read out loud the text on your page and it doesn’t sound natural, that piece of text may weigh much less during ranking.”

So, when writing your page’s description (that little snippet of text that appears in search results), read it out loud and see if it communicates your message in a clear and concise way.

Mobile-First Indexing

Google is testing and will soon roll out mobile-first indexing. What does that mean? Previously, Google would judge your site as a desktop site. Soon it will start “judging it” as a mobile site. So, any content not visible on mobile will not count for ranking. This was inevitable. Recently mobile traffic on the Internet surpassed desktop traffic and the gap is widening.

So, is your site mobile-first ready? If not, we can help.

Content is King

This has been a mantra at MMC for years, but now, it’s more important than ever.

For a good overview the whys and hows of the importance of content for SEO, check the recent Yoast post, The ultimate guide to content SEO.”

It’s a lot to digest for sure, but MMC is here to handle it for you.

This post courtesy of Web Developer Kerry Wolfe

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