MMC Blog

Porsche Boxster Video and Other Subject Lines That Work

Yesterday’s inbox presented me with a message with the title “SmartStream: 2011 Porsche Boxster Spyder Video.” Never mind that it was from an unknown source. The subject line got my attention and I’m not even a sports car enthusiast. It is probably because I’m not an enthusiast that made this work so well. Wondering would someone would send me email about a Porsche was all it took to trigger an open.

Now, the real trick would have been to populate the message with something that I really wanted to buy. That didn’t happen but they got their click and for that I extend my kudos to SmartStream. Remember: you can compose great content but if the recipient never opens the message, it doesn’t matter. You missed your chance. Spend more time composing your subject lines and you’ll see a proportional improvement in your overall email performance.

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